Cognitive radar for enhanced target recognition

The COGITO project represents one of the first attempts to apply a cognitive architecture to the problem of target recognition. Today, in fact, most of the “Cognitive Radar” architectures, either implemented or under study, are focused on the radar capability to automatically select the regions of the frequency spectrum that are free of either intentional or unintentional radio frequency interferences. It should be noticed that such a way of working resembles that of a cognitive radio system more than a cognitive radar system.
The concept of cognitive radar for target recognition is based on the system’s ability to understand the environment and to autonomously manage the radar system degrees of freedom (transmitted waveform and received signal processing parameters) as well as the target recognition algorithms. A cognitive radar that is specifically designed for automatic target recognition will aim at maximizing target recognition performances by exploiting a priori knowledge of the external environment as well as by learning from its successes and failures.
The aim of this project is to develop and test, both on simulated and real radar data, different cognitive radar architectures for automatic target recognition.
European Defence Agency (EDA)
January 2019 - January 2022
Italy, Germany




Manno-Kovacs, A. Giusti, E. Berizzi, F. Kovács, L.

Automatic target classification in passive ISAR range-crossrange images Proceedings Article

In: 2018 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf18), pp. 0206-0211, 2018, ISSN: 2375-5318, (MAPIS).

Links | Tag:

Manno-Kovacs, A. Giusti, E. Berizzi, F. Kovács, L.

Image Based Robust Target Classification for Passive ISAR Journal Article

In: IEEE Sensors Journal, pp. 1-1, 2018, ISSN: 1530-437X, (MAPIS).

Links | Tag: Target classification;passive radar;ISAR;ATR

Jarabo-Amores, P. Giusti, E. Rosa-Zurera, M. Bacci, A. Capria, A. Mata-Moya, D.

Target classification using passive radar ISAR imagery Conference

vol. 2018-January, 2018, (MAPIS).

Links | Tag:


Kurowska, A. Kulpa, J. S. Giusti, E. Conti, M.

Classification results of ISAR sea targets based on their two features Proceedings Article

In: 2017 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo), pp. 1-6, 2017, (MAPIS).

Links | Tag:


F, Berizzi A., SAVERINO M, Conti S, Brisken M, Ummenhofer P, Samczynski M, Baczyk

Multichannel Passive ISAR Imaging for Military Applications (MAPIS) Proceedings Article

In: Specialist Meeting NATO SET-231 on Multi-Band Multi-Mode Radar, pp. –, Lisbon, 2016, (MAPIS).



Qiu, Wei Giusti, Elisa Bacci, Alessio Martorella, Marco Berizzi, Fabrizio Zhao, Hongzhong Fu, Qiang

Compressive sensing–based algorithm for passive bistatic ISAR with DVB-T signals Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 51, no 3, pp. 2166-2180, 2015, (MAPIS).

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Moscardini, C. Conti, M. Berizzi, F. Martorella, M. Capria, A.

Spatial Adaptive Processing for Passive Bistatic Radar Proceedings Article

In: Radar Conference, 2014 IEEE, pp. 1061-1066, 2014, (APIS).

Links | Tag:

Martorella, Marco Giusti, Elisa

Theoretical foundation of passive bistatic ISAR imaging Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 50, no 3, pp. 1647–1659, 2014, (MAPIS).



Pasculli, D. Baruzzi, A. Moscardini, C. Petri, D. Conti, M. Martorella, M.

DVB-T passive radar tracking on real data using Extended Kalman Filter with DOA estimation Proceedings Article

In: Radar Symposium (IRS), 2013 14th International, pp. 184-189, 2013, (APIS).


Olivadese, D. Giusti E. Petri D. Martorella M. Capria A. Berizzi F.

Passive ISAR with DVB-T signals Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 51, no 8, pp. 4508-4517, 2013, (APIS).

Links | Tag:

Alvarez, J. Gaitán, J. Berizzi, F. Capria, A. Conti, M. Giusti, E. Martorella, M. Moscardini, C. Olivadese, D. Petri, D. Bárcena, J. L. Mata, D. De La Jarabo, P. Rosa, M. Podda, A. Sulis, A. Benedek, C. Szirányi, T. Georgiou, G. Baruzzi, A. Papanastasiou, A. Topping, C.

Array Passive ISAR adaptive processing (APIS) project: an overview Proceedings Article

In: 4th PCL focus days, 2013, (APIS).



Olivadese, D. Giusti, E. Petri, D. Martorella, M. Capria, A. Berizzi, F. Soleti, R.

Passive ISAR imaging of ships by using DVB-T signals Conference

vol. 2012, no 603 CP, 2012, (APIS).

Links | Tag:

Olivadese, D. Martorella, M. Giusti, E. Petri, D. Berizzi, F.

Passive ISAR with DVB-T signal Conference

vol. 2012-April, 2012, (APIS).

Links | Tag:


Conti, M. Petri, D. Capria, A. Martorella, M. Berizzi, F. Mese, E. Dalle

Ambiguity function sidelobes mitigation in multichannel DVB-T passive bistatic radar Conference

2011, (APIS).

Links | Tag:

Conti, M. Petri, D. Capria, A. Berizzi, F. Martorella, M.

High Resolution and Artifact cancellation in Wideband DVB-T Passive Radar Proceedings Article

In: 3rd PCL focus days, 2011, (APIS).



Capria, A. Petri, D. Martorella, M. Conti, M. Mese, E. Dalle Berizzi, F.

DVB-T passive radar for vehicles detection in urban environment Conference

2010, (APIS).

Links | Tag:

Conti, Michele Berizzi, Fabrizio Petri, Dario Capria, Amerigo Martorella, Marco

High range resolution DVB-T Passive Radar Conference

2010, (APIS).

Links | Tag:


Costal Ship Detection by DVB-T Software Defined Passive Radar: Experimental Results Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of GTTI 2010, BRESCIA, 2010, (APIS).

