Smart Electronic PROtection Me.

The project purpose is to analyze the possibility of developing a new generation of intelligent electronic warfare means for platform self-protection and to study the development and testing of components necessary for EW platform protection. In particular, the goal of the consortium members is to develop and analyze the possibilities of deploying future solutions of intelligent electronic protection measures on the modern (future-oriented) electronic warfare. The work includes analyses, design and experiments. The demonstrators are expected to be developed and used in field trials to demonstrate technology/ technological capabilities, readiness and advancement. CNIT contribution:

  • The survivability of a complex platform in an operational environment increases with the reduction of its radar cross section. A platform with a smart ‘skin’ or coating, able to instantaneously modify the RCS, would be a very clever solution especially in conjunction with other EW protection systems for example chaffs or active chaffs, deployed at the same time.
  • The main hotspots contributing to the RCS value can be treated separately, in order to obtain the variation of the RCS. An important issue to be deeply analysed is the arrival direction of the menace. Indeed, in such directions a subset of hotspots can be identified that contribute to RCS value, therefore mainly treating the necessary parts, with a clear advantage in terms of complexity reduction and higher technical feasibility.
  • The use of active and passive meta surfaces has been proposed to improve the defense of a naval unit.
European Defence Agency (EDA)
Warsaw University of Technology, Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Technique, Leading Innovation and Knowledge for Society (LINKS Foundation), EM Techn. Company FreeSpace Srl
April 2021 - October 2024
Italy, Germany, Poland


