Drone Radar Network.

In tactical environments, the need for a swift and adaptable surveillance system is evident for small ground troops and medium-sized coastal vessels. Ground troops on the move and boats navigating coastal waters require real-time updates on their surroundings and timely alerts about potential threats or nearby movements. Existing communication systems often fail to provide comprehensive details or timely updates, leading troops to rely on semi-fixed surveillance tools like portable radars, which
are limited by terrain obstacles and lack adaptability in dynamic situations. Similarly, coastal naval operations face challenges due to obscured threats from coastal topography and potentially insufficient command provided information, increasing associated risks. There is a clear need for an innovative, cost-effective, and versatile surveillance system not currently available in the market.

The proposed solution involves deploying easily launched drones equipped with sensors from various ground points or small boats. These drones offer lightweight, portable systems for continuous perimeter surveillance. Their dynamic surveillance capabilities allow for the detection of threats both in the air and on land,
adapting to changing scenarios. Equipped with radar sensors, these drones operate independently of lighting or weather conditions, unlike electro optical systems. This solution also enhances naval tactical scenarios by transforming shipboard radars into multi-static systems, enabling obstacle scouting and improved target detection, tracking, and recognition.

The project’s primary goal is to demonstrate drone swarm technology, focusing on developing and integrating surveillance and collision avoidance systems, and creating algorithms for efficient drone-based surveillance in both land and maritime tactical operations. This initiative aims to overcome current surveillance limitations, providing a dynamic and adaptable solution for tactical scenarios on land and at sea.

Italian MoD
October 2022 - October 2025


