Advanced Radar Technology in eUROp.

The ARTURO (Advanced Radar Technologies in eUROpe) project proposes a solution to fulfil future operational needs based on extended use of emerging technologies. More specifically, studies of ARTURO project will be focused on:
  • Representing end-users vision in terms of needs and highlevel requirements for the future most demanding scenarios and environments.
  • Defining an innovative Sensor Architecture and the most efficient applicable technologies to be implemented in the future development.
  • In-depth analysis of the new threats and the environment surrounding the radar which produces an accurate definition of the various operational scenarios (air, land and naval) the new class of radar is expected to cope with.
  • Carrying out the study of modern HW (hardware) and SW (software) technologies that provide the constituent elements of the new class of radar. New approaches to design (i.e. cognitive) and modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence will be disseminated within the design.
  • Supporting the above topics by selecting a specific preliminary development of key components of the new architecture. Proposing a roadmap for future developments based on the results derived by the current research.

The ARTURO research addresses the future defence needs (keeping in mind civil world as well) and proposes a new class of sensors based on feasibility studies and high level specifications. From an architectural point of view, the proposed approached is based on the scalability as a key driver of design, i.e. a modular design for extending the same components on different platforms with a consequent reduction of non-recurring and logistic costs. The design is then based on an elementary and fundamental component for all the new class of radars while the different sensors for different domain applications are formed via aggregation of the elementary component. As a matter of fact, the ARTURO project will analyse and study a wide set of technologies to evaluate the benefits they could bring in new generation of radar systems and to indicate which are relevant depending on the CONOPS. In particular, a roadmap for sensors will be elaborated based on the study results provided by various
technological analyses. This roadmap will figure out the most appropriate sensors according to their domain and use cases, their class of performance, their level of maturity, their cost benefit analysis and their complementarity regarding other competing technologies.

Partners: Scalinix, Sentech Srl, Thales DMS France SAS, Thales Nederland BV, Totalforsvarets Forkskningsinstitut, Universidad de sevilla, Università degli Studi di Pavia, XY-Sensing, Leonardo SpA, Aalto Korkeakoulusaatio sr, Airbus defence and Space, Baltijos Pazangiu technologiju Institutas, CoreHW, Echoes srl, Hensoldt, Indra, Marduk Technologies, TNO, Pitradwar, Rheinmetall Italia, SAAB, SATWAYS

Scalinix, Sentech Srl, Thales DMS France SAS, Thales Nederland BV, Totalforsvarets Forkskningsinstitut, Universidad de sevilla, Università degli Studi di Pavia, XY-Sensing, Leonardo SpA...
September 2023 - August 2026
Italy, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Poland, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, Greece


