The Radar and Surveillance Systems (RaSS) is a National Laboratory of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT). CNIT is a no-profit consortium composed of 44 Research Units (38 Italian Universities, 7 Departments of the National Research Council-CNR) and 7 National Laboratories. The RaSS Lab was founded in 2010 with the purpose of creating a critical mass to face research challenges in the field of radar and applied electromagnetics.
Today, RaSS counts 23 people among researchers, technical and administrative staff and 26 external collaborators.

The RaSS Lab has participated in several national and international research projects (often as leader), funded by the Italian MoD (Ministry of defence), EDA (European Defence Agency), MIUR (Ministry of Education), MISE (Ministry of Economic Development), EC (European Commission), ESA (European Space Agency), EOARD (European Office of Aerospace Research and Development), NATO SPS (Science for Peace and Security), NCIA (NATO Communications and Intelligence Agency), ASI (Italian Space Agency) and Tuscany Region.
RaSS Lab has many research and technological partners including Fraunhofer Institutes, WUT (Warsaw University of Technology), ONERA, INGV and industries like Hensoldt, Rheinmetall, LEONARDO, MBDA, VITROCISET, GEM, E-GEOS, TELEDYNE, among others. Most of the RaSS projects led to the production of technological demonstrators at TRL 5-6.
RaSS also focuses its effort on dissemination activities, including journal and book publications, presentations at international conferences, training activities under the form of short courses, tutorials, seminars and lectures for industry, government and various research institutions.
RaSS values all its collaborations nationally and internationally, counting today more than 50 partners across, industry, academia and both government and non-government research institutions. RaSS has a strong participation in both the NATO and the European Defence Agency (EDA) contexts, where its personnel hold key roles within Panels and CapTechs. RaSS is strongly involved and participates in research and experimental activities at the JCC lab. “Ugo Tiberio”, a joint Italian navy CSSN and CNIT laboratory.
RaSS Lab carries out its research and technological transfer activities in the field of radar systems, applied electromagnetism, remote sensing, telecommunication, signal processing and sensors network security. It is organized in several current and explorative research areas (radar systems, radar signal/image processing, remote sensing, antennas, electromagnetic modelling & materials). All activities are supported by complementary units (administration, safety and prevention, security, quality control and media & communication).
The RaSS Lab was instituted by CNIT in Pisa, in December 2010, to acknowledge the intense and remarkable research activity in the field of Radar, Applied Electromagnetism and Remote Sensing carried out by a team of researchers from Tuscan Universities, and in particular from the University of Pisa.
The RaSS Lab became fully operational at the end of 2011 in a CNIT owned property based in Galleria Gerace 18 in Pisa. The Laboratory, which occupied an area of about 200 sqm, brought together professors from Tuscan Universities, CNIT research and technical-administrative staff and some consultants, and it was an important reference point for doctoral candidates and research benefit recipients.
In response to an increased number of research activities and relative increase of personnel, and to allow for further expansions, in December 2021, the RaSS National Laboratory of CNIT has moved to a new area that occupies the entire 6th floor of one of the two main buildings in Galleria Gerace, Pisa, with more than 600 sqm of office and laboratory space. The new space includes three separate laboratories, namely the Radar lab, the Microwave lab and the Quantum Radar Technology lab and two meeting rooms (one of which can seat comfortably more than 20 people) that can be reconfigured to accommodate both meeting and lecture theatre formats.
We are very excited to work in our new laboratory space and welcome you to visit us soon.
From January 2017 the RaSS Lab has been certified ISO 9001/2015 by the international and independent body DNV GL. The certification refers to the “Design and development of technology systems and services in telecommunications, radar and electromagnetism and related computer aids and the design and manufacture of RF and microwave equipment and subsystems”.